Alhambra Scholarship
Apply for a Scholarship from the Order of Alhambra Charity Fund.
How to Apply
The Alhambra Scholarship award is to assist students meeting our college requirements and eligibilities listed on the back of this application. Students must be undertaking special education studies to qualify for teaching intellectually and developmentally disabled persons, to help assure their attaining a useful life in society. Scholarship awards are made on the basis that the applicant is dedicated to this special field of education.
In recognition of increasing importance of higher education, the International Order of Alhambra is proud to provide financial scholarship awards. Scholarship awards are made on the basis that the applicant is dedicated to this special field of education. The number of scholarships and amounts will vary from year to year, based on scholarship program fund levels.
Master Degree students who are specializing in teaching special education and who have accrued 50% of required graduation credits will be eligible.
University Junior or Senior students, who are enrolled in qualifying programs and are undertaking teaching special education, will be eligible.
Community college student who have accrued 50% of required graduation credits and are undertaking special education studies will be eligible.
Opened to all residents of the US and Canada.
Applicants must complete all sections (type or print) of the application form.
Teacher training in any of the above or related fields may be pursued at any accredited public or private university or college where bona fide special educational courses are offered.
A letter from the recognized school or college confirming enrollment for special education courses and the study major for the semester checked on the front of the application must accompany all applications. The confirmation letter should be submitted on college or university letterhead stationery, specifying courses selected. The courses have to agree with what is on the application. The letter from the college must be typed and affixed with the college seal and Registrar’s signature.
Applicants must write a brief statement of purpose which describes her/his career choice and social impact of particular career. This statement is to be no more than one (1) page in length.
Return application to sponsor or sponsoring caravan for further processing if no sponsor mail to home office. All application must be received at the home office not later than March 1st. You may email your completed application to: Mr. Bill Mundy ( no later than Tuesday, February 28 or mail to: Order of the Alhambra Charity Fund, Inc., 4200 Leeds Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21229, (Attn: Scholarship Program). Only original applications will be accepted.
Scholarships will be announced on or before April 30th.
The Executive Committee of the Order of the Alhambra Charity Fund, Inc. reserves the right to revise the program as needed.